This package includes accelerated on-site consulting, training and mentoring activities targeted at Finance, process oriented users and leaders driving the consolidation initiatives. This method will Increase speed of deployment with TracFCM consolidation through simplified deployment, reduced administration, and improved training. Due to the same it will lead to lower total cost of deployment and rapid delivery. This helps reduce implementation risk and helps users achieve the maximum benefit from the software functionality provided.
a. The Services strives to achieve the following objectives:
- i. Product features and functionality know how transfer Vis on TracFCM architecture, transactional modules, reporting module, and solution deployment considerations Hands-on training on TracFCM.
- ii. A dry run will be performed by importing the previous quarter published data in TracFCM and compliance reports for consolidated and standalone entities are generated and crossed checked with the published financial data. This dry run makes the finance team confident to drive the consolidation process using TracFCM for the forthcoming on their own. At this point, the customer is ready to 'Go live' for the forthcoming quarter/ monthly reporting.